Contact us

Are you a tree service company located in the state of Florida? Contact us here to get included in our directory. Be sure you add your business name, address, phone number and business description. Please include a link to your website as we will use pictures and other information from your website to build a profile here. We charge a one time fee of $29, which helps keep out fake business listings. Our aim is to provide a high quality tree service directory for those living in Florida.

A link back to our directory is always appreciated and may get your listing featured.

How Can I Update My Business Information?

Have you moved or changed phone numbers? Just submit a contact request with the changes you want added to your business listing and we will take care of it!

What Information Is Needed To Be Included In Your Directory?

When you submit your information to us, please be sure to include as much information about who you are as a business as you can. Please included your business name, address, phone number and any social profiles you have online. Are you accredited with the BBB? Do you belong to a local chamber of commerce? Send us as much information about your business as you can, as we will be researching who you are before including your business in our directory.

Does It Cost Money To Be Listed?

We charge a $29 submission fee to be listed in our directory. This fee helps us fight 'spam' or fake listings. In order to get listed your website and business must be established in Florida, have a real Florida address with pictures of your crews, trucks and/or equipment. We don't accept all submissions and will verify the information you submit. No spam, junk or fake listings will be accepted. No lead generating websites will be accepted. Only legitimate tree companies will be listed in our directory.